Head of the National Commission on Gender Equality in Education, Dr. Camilla Stoltenberg, participated in two events at the OECD Forum on behalf of the Commission.

The gender gap in educational achievement is easiest to illustrate in the lower and upper parts of the GPA distribution (10th grade, Norway).

May 20th, Dr. Stoltenberg presented the Commission report at the Talk Together side-event: The Male Disadvantage in Education.

The session was moderated by Dr. Francesca Borgonovi, Senior Analyst at the OECD and lead author of the OECD Education Working Paper «The Gender Gap in Educational Outcomes in Norway«, which informed the Commission’s work.

The PP-presentation of the event is accessible here. A background note that summarizes some of the report’s findings can be found here. With any use of the findings, we appreciate acknowledgement of the sources.

An English translation of the report is forthcoming.

May 21st, Dr. Stoltenberg took part in the Forum panel The Male Factor. The panel discussed several gender equality related issues, including:

  • what can be done to make women succeed in business and be represented in the board rooms,
  • what can be done to make boys and men succeed in the education system,
  • and what are men’s role in and benefits of partaking in gender equality efforts.

The other panel members were:

  • Michael Kaufman, Co-founder, White Ribbon; Author – «The Time Has Come: Why Men Must Join the Gender Equality Revolution»; Senior Fellow, Instituto Promundo
  • Dame Helena Morrissey, Founder, The 30% Club; Author, «A Good Time to be a Girl»
  • Stéphane Reboud, Member – Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC)

The panel was moderated by Jurgen Hecker, Senior Economics Editor, AFP.

A webcast of the panel can be watched here.