On February 4th, 2019, the National Commission on Gender Equality in Education in Norway submitted its report: NOU 2019: 3 Nye sjanser – bedre læring. Kjønnsforskjeller i skoleprestasjoner og utdanningsløp (New Opportunities – Better Learning. Gender Gaps in Educational Achievement and Attainment) to the Minister of Education and Integration of Norway Mr. Jan Tore Sanner.

The report outlines the development of gender disparities in education over time and across countries, and their consequences for later labor market, health and family outcomes. The report reviews the international and Nordic research literature in search of factors that may help explain the gender gaps in education. The report presents in total 64 recommendations for policies and concrete measures to prevent and mitigate unfavourable gender gaps in education.

The report is available in Norwegian here. An English translation of the report is forthcoming.

The live stream of the launch event (in Norwegian) is accessible via link here.